Inboard Training

In Board Training


Registration page:  

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The quickest and easiest way (for both you and your dog) to get your dog trained is through an inboard training program.  We have 2 week and 4 week programs available.Dog training is about 60% dog training and 40% people training. With inboard training, I can do the 60% for you and make the 40% very easy.

First, your dog comes and stays with me. While boarding here, I teach your dog all that he needs to know about obedience as well as work on any specific behavioral problems that he/she may have. I use the basic commands: heel, sit, down, stay, and come to teach your dog that giving respect to his handler is not only something that he must do, but something that can and does bring him/her great pleasure.Once I’m done training your dog, we then work with you and your family in follow-up sessions to teach you the techniques that I’ve taught them. A trained dog isn’t of much value if you don’t know how to use the training. The MOST important part is you learning as well how to keep up the training! 

2 Week Inboard Training

This program is designed for dogs that are NOT human or dog aggressive or that have high levels of fear and anxiety as that takes longer to work with. 

All of our programs are as much about behavior rehabilitation, as they are about obedience commands. So many dogs are great at obedience, but they cannot hold a command around basic distractions. So many dogs have great obedience, but they do not have a calm state of mind. It is so important for us and the dog, that we are able to work with the dog on these issues.

The biggest thing we will work on is having a calmer dog that listens better and is not reactive to all of the environmental stimulants around your home and in the world. With that starting theory, we are able then train your dog on the obedience commands that you are looking for. We look at dog training as a lifestyle and not a series of tricks, our training and rehab program becomes part of your lifestyle. 

As far as obedience we work on the following with your dog:

  • Walking properly on a leash without pulling, barking, lunging, sniffing, or reacting to dogs and/or distractions
  • Sit
  • Down
  • Correcting bad behaviors – jumping up on people, jumping on countertops, mouthing, nipping, chasing, playing keep-away
  • Recall training (with and without distractions)
  • Separation Anxiety (some separation issues need a longer program)
  • Crate Nonsense (barking, whining, etc.)
  • Heeling properly on leash and eliminating leash reactivity (some intense leash reactivity needs a longer program)
  • Building confidence with your dog so you get a better off well mannered dog.
  • Leadership skills with your dog so your dog understands proper pack order with humans, eliminating a lot of pushy behavior dogs have. This is also great for nervous fearful dogs.
  • Work with your dog on the anxiety and fear that is driving most unwanted behaviors

All Board and Train programs include 8- 1 hour training classes . These classes are good for 4 months and can come to any of the class times or days. Also access to Facebook Challenge group to be able to have access to trainer during the time in between classes and training.

Board and Train dogs will be picked up & dropped off by the client (owner).

Board & Train Policy  Once signed up for the Board & Train program, you will receive an email with available dates as well as instructions. The deposit must me made to secure training. 

4 week Inboard Training

This program is designed for dogs that are exhibiting intense dog aggression, fear aggression, human aggression, and biting as well as other severe issues.  It can also be a program for more intense obedience. We are extremely well known for working with extremely challenging dogs, in fact no dog has ever been turned away from our program because of a bad/dangerous/unwanted behavior. We deal with dogs who have bitten children and adults, as well as dogs who have gotten into dog fights. Working with aggression is not like working on an obedience command, it is much more intense work, takes much longer, is much more dangerous for the staff and trainer.

How far can your dog go in a longer program? That is a great question and has lots of variables, during and after the training. It is our goal to get as far as we can with your dog while he/she is with us. Our goal is always to be able to get a dog to exist around people and dogs. As far as how much interaction they can have, we will not know until we start working the dog. We will always give you an honest assessment during and after training of what your dogs immediate limitations will be. The great thing is when you follow through with our training program you get 8 1 hour classes that are good for 4 months. They did not get this way overnight and these issues take time to correct but each day/week/month just keeps getting better and better with you and your dogs behavior. This program is a starting point to get the dog on the right track and correcting behaviors. What is worked on in these sessions?

  • Walking properly on a leash without pulling, barking, lunging, sniffing, or reacting to dogs and/or distractions
  • Sit
  • Down
  • Correcting bad behaviors – jumping up on people, jumping on countertops, mouthing, nipping, chasing, playing keep-away
  • Recall training (with and without distractions some may need longer or more training)
  • Separation Anxiety (some separation issues need a longer program)
  • Crate Nonsense (barking, whining, etc.)
  • Heeling properly on leash and eliminating leash reactivity (some intense leash reactivity needs a longer program)
  • Building confidence with your dog so you get a better off well mannered dog.
  • Leadership skills with your dog so your dog understands proper pack order with humans, eliminating a lot of pushy behavior dogs have. This is also great for nervous fearful dogs.
  • Work with your dog on the anxiety and fear that is driving most unwanted behaviors
  • Dog Aggression issues – attacking dogs, biting dogs, improper greeting and social skills
  • Human Aggression Issues

All Board and Train programs include 8 one hours classes good for 4 months as well as your able to get into the Facebook Challenge group for access to the trainer in between classes.

Board and Train dogs will be picked up & dropped off by the client (owner).

Board & Train Policy

Once accepted for the Board & Train program, you will receive an email with details and available dates The deposit payment is due in order to secure your dog’s reservation

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